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A show about adoption, foster care, advocacy, and becoming the best caregiver possible. We take an honest look at all aspects of the adoption and foster care journey and work to bring hope and encouragement to caregivers worldwide. Learn more about our work at

Sep 26, 2019

Why is it necessary that we are regulated, and respond to our children calmly and firmly? Why do our children need to learn steps to peace that they can eventually apply to their lives on their own? And why is re-regulation so necessary to building trust and a healthy connection with our children? All of these questions...

Sep 19, 2019

Re-regulation strategies are commonly misconstrued as enabling, or letting off the hook, when a clear consequence for behavior is warranted. However, as caregivers of children with a trauma history, we are working on a bigger picture. In our latest episode we explore why this is...

Sep 12, 2019

We often don't consider the importance of body awareness when it comes to helping our children re-regulate, but teaching them to connect to the feelings and emotions they are experiencing within their body can be a powerful tool in helping them find a place of peace quickly. Here's why...

Sep 6, 2019

We know that some children with trauma histories can display extreme behaviors (aggression, belligerence, disrespect, or even violence). But what about the child who deals with major anxiety, stress, nervousness, or often seems physically out of control of his or her body? That's where emotional regulation is key.